З усього того, чому я навчилася на цьому тренінгу, на мою думку, найефективнішим для навчання моїх учнів буде групова робота під час дослідження певних питань.
What is ART? 1 . https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j9XWxAjplMcNk0OXaW3OArUrXSEfEGX7/view?usp=sharing 2. Listening 1) Pre-listening Check your understanding: gap fill Do this exercise before you listen. Complete the gaps with a word from the box. (reality / music / ‘look’ / feel-good / record / good-looking) How to create a boy band 1. Find four or five _______________ boys. 2. Check they have at least some _______________ ability. 3. Decide on a _______________ for the band. 4. Write them some songs with safe, _______________ lyrics. 5. Ideally, get them on a _______________ TV show. 6. Make as much money as possible from _______________ sales, concerts and merchandising. 2) Listening https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Et-rBn1n3hqQv80OdzOQrkmjk9G_k16/view?usp=sharing 3) Post-listening Task 1 Check your understanding: true or false (T / F) Do this exercise while you listen. 1. Many boy bands are not successful. 2. In the past, boy...
Музика. Творчість Бетховена 1. Warm up. How to be brave and active? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmJ9aI_jr_FF7v-TgOq6iAm2LkbJMY85SZTzpvwiIQbivLZw/viewform 2. Vocabulary. What do you know about the greatest musicians? Read and do Ex.5, p.225-226 3. Reading. 1) Pre-reading Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–f next to the numbers 1–6. 1…….. a single a. watching or listening to music or video directly from the internet 2…….. an album b. to save something from the internet onto ...
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